licensing usage options
License Overview
Items purchased under the Personal License can only appear in non-commercial projects. Purchase a Commercial or Extended Commercial License if you’re promoting a business, product, or service in an exchange of money or other consideration. The kind of license you choose must align with your intended use for the asset and the amount you purchase must match the number of individuals using it.
The licensed asset can appear in non-commercial projects
Can be used for
End Products Not For Sale
One personal social media account with non-commercial activities
Cannot be used for:
End products for sale
Business social media accounts
Physical or digital paid advertisements
commercial: digital media
The licensed asset has unlimited digital impressions
Can be used for:
unlimited electronic impressions (website, ebook, etc.)
Personal digital promotion and marketing (websites, blog posts, social media, ebooks, online marketing materials)
Up to 5,000 digital end products for sale
One business social media account owned and managed by the licensee
Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
It is not allowed to sell or gift BSY templates or images
commercial: all media
The licensed asset has worldwide use across all media
Can be used for
Worldwide use (except billboards) across all media, unlimited time
unlimited electronic impressions (website, ebook, etc.)
Personal promotion and marketing (websites, blog posts, social media, ebooks, personal printed marketing materials, product packaging, design elements)
Up to 5,000 physical or digital end products for sale
One business social media account owned and managed by the licensee
Unlimited physical advertisements for local markets
Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
It is not allowed to sell or gift BSY templates or images
extended commercial
The licensed asset can appear in up to 250,000 end products for sale
Can be used for
Worldwide use (except billboards) across all media, unlimited time
unlimited electronic impressions (website, ebook, etc.)
Personal promotion and marketing (websites, blog posts, social media, ebooks, personal printed marketing materials, product packaging, design elements)
Up to 100,000 physical or digital end products for sale
Unlimited business social media accounts owned and managed by the licensee
Unlimited physical advertisements for local, national, and global markets
Digital paid advertisements with unlimited impressions
It is not allowed to sell or gift BSY templates or images