Create inspired action and stop the cycle of stuck


How to create inspired action

Ok- Full disclosure time. I am not an action taker. Or, I guess I should say- I frequently find it hard to take action on things because I spend a lot of time in “analysis paralysis.” I LABOR over decisions and even after I’ve decided to make a move, I constantly second guess myself. Which frequently leads to changing direction or not following through on things.  Sounds fun, right?? (SOOOO not fun.)

One of my personal growth goals for this year is to get out of this self-defeating cycle. But, how to do that?

2 things:
First, I just have to straight up practice making decisions quickly, and then not giving in to the “what if’s”. When I observe my mind slipping back into questioning mode I simply repeat the phrase “This is the decision I made, and I’m sticking by it. If it doesn’t work out, that’s ok. I’ll have learned something from it, and can make a different decision then if I need to.” The freedom this thought has given me is immeasurable. It allows me to immediately release self-doubt and get on with my day. I’m also noticing that making decisions quickly and redirecting with this new thought is reprogramming my brain to jump into action mode more quickly vs researching/worrying/analyzing mode.

Is it easy to make decisions quickly at first?

Nope. Not even a little bit. (At least for me.) But just do it anyhow. And guess what? NOTHING BAD HAS HAPPENED. The whole “it’s ok if it doesn’t work out” thing hasn’t even come into play. I’m realizing (which I already knew) I have a highly developed sense of intuition. So 9/10 times I already know the right course of action for me without all the overanalyzing. You probably do too. Practicing decision making helps you tap into this built-in guidance system (or your gut, or whatever you want to call it) and builds trust with YOURSELF over time. (Pretty cool, right?)

Now, onto the second thing. Shifting thoughts of “finding motivation” to “creating inspired action.”

I’ve always found “motivation” a tricky thing. Mostly because I frequently feel like I don’t have any. (Sound familiar?) On the flip side, when I’m in the midst of a creative project or idea, I don’t need an ounce of motivation because I feel like inspiration is just carrying me away. So, how to get that inspired feeling vs mustering up some motivation? You change your thoughts friend.

This quote sums up the difference for me:

"Motivation is when you get hold of an idea and carry it through to its conclusion, and inspiration is when an idea gets hold of you and carries you where you are intended to go."

- Wayne Dyer

Motivation frequently feels like a “should” to me. Whereas inspired action feels like a “want to.” I used to think that I had to wait around for that “want to” feeling to strike. Now I know I can create it.

Ok- so what does this look like in practice though, you ask. Let’s use the example of eating healthy- it’s a subject most people equally struggle with and aspire to.

You want to eat healthy- but why? Let’s figure out your motive. If you’re being honest, your motive is usually something like “because I want to look good in my jeans.” (Hey- Nothing wrong with that- no wrong answers here.)

But by starting with a motive- whether you’re conscious of what that motive is or not- and even if it’s a really good, altruistic motive- motivation suddenly starts to feel like a “should.”

It sounds something like this:  “I wanna look good in my jeans, so I should eat the kale and skip the cake” I don’t know about you, but when you say it like that, I’d rather skip the kale and eat the cake.

So how do we take these MOTIVES and turn them into inspiration and stop “shoulding” all over ourselves?  

It’s easy. We simply figure out how we want to FEEL vs what we NEED to DO.

What would actually INSPIRE you to skip the cake and eat the kale? Maybe an inner dialog more like this:

"I love the way my body feels when I fuel it with foods that it loves; My mind is clearer, and I have more energy than I normally would. Eating healthy foods makes me feel alive, alert and strong.” Or “Eating healthy foods helps me feel sexy and alive (especially when slipping into my skinny jeans.)”

Feels a lot better than “I should eat the kale so I look good in my jeans.” doesn’t it.

Now you’re inspired to eat healthy because you can recognize it will put you in a better feeling state now, vs banking on rewards in the future, which is what “shoulds” do. And our brains are ALL about that instant gratification.

Ever feel like you just can’t find the motivation to do the things you know you should be doing in your business? You’re not alone. Find out how you can shift your mindset to one of Inspired Action and start getting more done (while having fun) than…
Ever feel like you just can’t find the motivation to do the things you know you should be doing in your business? You’re not alone. Find out how you can shift your mindset to one of Inspired Action and start getting more done (while having fun) than…
Ever feel like you just can’t find the motivation to do the things you know you should be doing in your business? You’re not alone. Find out how you can shift your mindset to one of Inspired Action and start getting more done (while having fun) than…